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The Sunny Sailor

Our Rescue Story of The First Night on our Boat is Now in Print Cruising Outpost Magazine

I am so excited to share this with our followers. The VERY real story of our VERY first night on our sailboat is in the Spring 2019 edition of Latitudes and Attitudes (formerly Cruising Outpost Magazine).

I am so thrilled to be published in a magazine we have read for years! What an cool honor! Thanks, Bob Bitchin!

I wrote about this crazy night, not only to share both the excitement and the humor, but also so others will know that we all started out “green”. There was so much we just did not know back then.

But even after this “trial by fire” we still decided to pursue our sailing dreams and are now full-time liveaboards traveling in the Caribbean.

Please pick up your very own copy and let me know what you think. The magazine can be found at both West Marine and Barnes & Noble. I’m on page 110!

To read the whole article yourself, click this link and hang on for the ride! 

I was so excited to get a text from our good friends Rich and Traci Lundy who saw the article before I even released this blog post! Thanks for the heads up my friends!

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