Tag: liveaboards

# 120 Island Misbehavior – Why did I do that shot? Adventures of a female captain in the Caribbean

Making bad decisions may not be a good idea but it always leads to a video that you will want to watch! This solo sailor knows how to have fun and how to bring people along for the ride.

#114 So Many Problems -How quickly things change on a sailboat – Woeful Caribbean Vibes

Crabby Captain and Sunny Sailor # 114 So Many Problems -How quickly things change on a sailboat – Woeful Caribbean Vibes We WISH that sailing life was filled with rainbows and champagne, but the truth is, boats have a lot of issues to maintain. Being off the grid means youRead More …

# 112 Island Gals Get a Little Crazy – Caribbean Fun – Tropical Dreams – Sailboat Living

Cara gets a little wild when her friend comes to visit. Well, Cara gets a little wild most all the time but that’s part of her free spirit and zest for life. Come join the fun on a tropical paradise YOUTUBE MEMBERS GET FIRST LOOK! If you haven’t joined, doRead More …

# 111 Sailing St Lucia – -Caribbean Regatta – Tropical Island Party – Is it better without clothes?

What a great sail from St Lucia heading south in the Caribbean Sea. Perfect weather. Perfect wind. And the answer is YES, It’s aways better without clothes! We arrive in Bequia just in time for their Sailing Regatta. What a blast!

# 107 Martinique Red Devil Carnival! Champagne makes her clothes fall off!

# 107 Martinique Red Devil Carnival! Champagne makes her clothes fall off! The french islands are so good to us. So much good food, tasty baguettes and not to mention Cara’s favorite…delicious CHAMPAGNE! Karnaval (Carnival} hits the streets of St Anne, Martinique, and Cara may have had a bit tooRead More …

# 106 Caribbean Sailing is not always Champagne Sailing. But Martinique is the place for it

Champagne Sailing is a term for those that only like to take the boat out in perfect weather, mild winds and calm seas. Well, that just isn’t always the case. As we travel north to St Lucia and see the astonishing Pitons, we get to moor right between them. AndRead More …

# 104 This is how we DO IT in the islands! Octopus Porn? HideNSeek for BOOBIES on a Caribbean Island

This is how we do it in the islands! From Holidays to Sexy Hide and Seek on the beach. Our Caribbean travels are not traditional but we celebrate any chance we can in any way we can! Now Octopus Porn is when it REALLY gets weird. hahaha

#102 Disaster ending to our USA RV trip. Dangerous. Shocking. F**king Scary!

We did not expect our trip to end like this. Part two of our visit to the US from our normal life in the Caribbean. The RV took us around to visit friends and family, and we enjoyed such fun and adventure… until …. a terrible accident left us withRead More …

#101 First Visit back to the U.S. From a sailboat to an RV! What could go wrong?

Living on our sailboat in the Caribbean for the last 3 1/2 years has made us unaccustomed to things like cities, large stores, crowds of people and yes DRIVING. But we decided to make a trip around the United States in a very large RV. it seemed like a goodRead More …

#95 Visit after Volcano turns into Girls Untamed! St Vincent & the Grenadines Sailing Island Adventure

Cara visited the areas hardest hit by the La Soufriere volcano in St Vincent and the Grenadines. The visit started with seeing the rebuilding process and then continued into a wild girls weekend with her beautiful friend. The concern for the Vincentians quickly turned into a joyous celebration of life.Read More …

#70 Adrift out to sea Barbuda Nightmare part two

Barbuda, as “Barbutiful” as it is, turned out to be a nightmare and Not once but TWICE. Welcome to part two of our troubles in the Caribbean. Adrift with no anchor. . . . . . .


When our fun, funny, fantastic friends come to visit, it doesn’t hurt that they are hot at all! _________________________________________

Cool Drone Video in Bequia

Bequia is our favorite town in St Vincent’s so we have been here many times. Here is some cool aerial footage of what it looks like there! Show Us Your Support Our website and videos are completed fan funded by folks like you!  Show your support (and love) via PayPalRead More …

#58 Tobago Cays St Vincent and the Grenadines

A visit to the Tobago Cays in St Vincent and the Grenadines was amazing and included a visit to Petit Tabac where the first Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed. But the sea turtles and marine life was beyond the imagination! __________________________________________

Great day for aerial silk

What a wonderful day we had, we were able to scuba dive an area close to Ronde Island just north of Grenada and then Cara got in some aerial silk at sunset. Our friend, Lynn on Open Agenda ( http://www.lynnklassenphotography.com/ ) captured these at sunset.

Squalls, Swells, and Secrets Martinique

It was a crazy day of traveling but so worth the high winds, high seas and rolling anchorages for this… Please also check out our underwater video. Its beautiful! ___________________________________

Our videos are being featured at the Annapolis Boat Show

Our videos are featured on The Charted Life TV channel now and will be played on a loop at the 2019 Annapolis boat show in Maryland this weekend! Whoop whoop. We are feeling very fancy!! If you get a chance to stop by the booth, tell them we sent you,Read More …

Puerto Rico

Nude Beaches, Turtle Nesting, Baby Manatees and UNEXPLODED MINES! Puerto Rico was full of surprises: Nude Beaches, Sea Turtle Nesting, a visit from a baby Manatee and an island full of UNEXPLODED WEAPONS!

We are almost through the Thorny Path

Still having a “snotty” crossing today as we MOTOR east with eastern winds. The Thorny Path is beginning to “get old” (as the captain says). But we are so close to the end and then we can SAIL AGAIN!

Landrail Point seemed like Paradise UNTIL…

Landrail point on the west side of Crooked Island, Bahamas seemed like Paradise until…..

Swimming with Sharks, Turtles and Rays

What a great day of swimming with sea turtles, stingrays, and nurse, bull and lemon sharks!  We had wanted to take a dive trip with Brendal’s Dive Center but the seas were way to rough to try to go on the outside.  But the snorkeling trip was better than weRead More …

Making the jump to the Bahamas

Crossing the Gulfstream from Lake Worth, FL to the Little Bahama bank at Memory Rock in our Beneteau 40 sailboat

We live in a crazy bubble

Sometimes the higher power puts you where you’re supposed to be.   Sometimes you’re just plain lucky.   Sometimes you have to make things happen by sheer force.   And sometimes you need all three.   The next sequence of events is so bizarre that it is incredulous even toRead More …

Aerial Silk Routine

One of our fans made a special request that I could not deny.  I hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays! Cara

Aerial silk at Morgan Island

Aerial Silk on a Boat at Isle of Palms Marina

Hurricane Florence Did we run far enough?

Hurricane Florence.  We can’t run anymore so now it is time to prep the boat to prepare her for this monster hurricane and hoping we ran far enough.

Dirty Talk about Dirty Things

….that need to be cleaned! Review of the Avalon Eco Wash portable washer and how to do laundry on a boat or confined space.  The information is useful and the video is fun.  Enjoy!  

Episode Five Sewing a New Top

Going Topless?! Without a bimini that is! Everyone needs a top from time to time and our sailboat’s Bimini needed some repairs. Here is some how to’s to help fellow boaters do the same. From threading the Sailrite sewing machine, to replacing the marine vinyl, we tell you how toRead More …

Repairing a blood pressure gauge to zero

Our boat came equipped with a MACKDADDY (you can thank me later for the 80s reference) First Aid Kit. It has gauze, tape, band-aid, splints, ice bags, tourniquets, Ace bandages, Burn aid dressings, CPR masks, blood pressure cuff and gauge, drugs (get your mind out of the gutter haha), andRead More …

Climb, Twist, and Fall Gracefully

My favorite exercise while on a boat is definitely Aerial Silks.  The sturdy yet soft fabric is limitless in what you can do while seeing the world from above.  And hopefully,  one looks graceful while doing it!  Click this link to see more and maybe you can join in theRead More …

Reviews -Smelly Head, Smelly Head

Nothing could be more foul than a constant air of toilet stench which only seems to get worse with heat!  Our beloved boat was manufactured in 2000 so that equals a WHOLE lot of toilet use.   So while I was out of town, Captain Ed (what a sweetheart!) undertookRead More …

Ep. Four -How to pack with limited space

  How does a woman separate from her beautiful shoes?  How does a chick plan her wardrobe for the next year?  How can I fit it all on a 40 foot sailboat? Minimize.  Plan. And Minimize some more. Pack smartly. Hang high. And Label everything!      

Ep Three-Ever sailed in Pea soup?

Ever sailed in any kind of liquid food?   Well it’s not fun.  Not at all.  But it had to be done as its time to take this beautiful wench to the boat yard to have a survey done on her (and we mean the boat, not the wife).  We decidedRead More …

Ep One- Buying Our Boat

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