HomeYikes We blew out our MainsailYikes We blew out our Mainsail

Yikes We blew out our Mainsail

While sailing in some gusty winds in the Atlantic, the stitching torn on the connector for the in-mast roller mainsail. The sail was now loose from the ropes and flailing in the winds.  In this video what and what NOT to do when removing this type of mainsail and halyard (rope).

Instructions for:

Removing an in-mast roller mainsail

Replacing an in-mast halyard (rope)

Repairing the main

Putting up an in-mast mainsail

Tips that WORK for all of these and warnings for what doesn’t.


If you have tips and tricks of your own, please leave them in the comment section so that we AND our readers can learn from your knowledge!






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