Category: Blogs

Ep 3 Sunny Sails and Tales Podcast – Dominica Wild!

Available wherever you get your podcast!

Ep 2 Sunny Sails and Tales Podcast – No clothes! Coast Guard Rescue! Hurricane force winds, First night on a boat EVER!

Available wherever you get your podcast!

Ep 1 Sunny Sails and Tales Podcast – Let me take you on a journey

Available wherever you get your podcast!

Sunny Sails and Tales Podcast – Intro

Available wherever you get your podcast!

Season 5 of our sailing adventures is out on Vimeo

Season 5 of our sailing adventures is out on Vimeo – to buy or rent! Can you believe we’ve been at this for 5 years?!! Check it out! (Uncensored is also available)

My Article is in YACHTING MONTHLY Magazine

I’m so excited to share that I have a article published in the UK magazine, Yachting Monthly. I have seen the digital copy but can’t seem to locate the print copy (to save for fun you know!) If you would like to read the article, click this link to readRead More …

Annapolis Boat Show Live Taping

The Charted Life TV is showing our videos on their channel available on Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android TV, FireTVstick, and more! Watch our interview live cast at the Annapolis Boat Show  where The Charted Life is featuring our vids!

Our videos are being featured at the Annapolis Boat Show

Our videos are featured on The Charted Life TV channel now and will be played on a loop at the 2019 Annapolis boat show in Maryland this weekend! Whoop whoop. We are feeling very fancy!! If you get a chance to stop by the booth, tell them we sent you,Read More …

We are almost through the Thorny Path

Still having a “snotty” crossing today as we MOTOR east with eastern winds. The Thorny Path is beginning to “get old” (as the captain says). But we are so close to the end and then we can SAIL AGAIN!

Our Rescue Story of The First Night on our Boat is Now in Print Cruising Outpost Magazine

I am so excited to share this with our followers. The VERY real story of our VERY first night on our sailboat is in the Spring 2019 edition of Latitudes and Attitudes (formerly Cruising Outpost Magazine). I am so thrilled to be published in a magazine we have read forRead More …

A Series of Most Fortunate Events

I have written before a blog on the amazing people that came across my life in a bizarre series of events  and then it happens again.  The first time it happened in the states and now it has happened in the Bahamas. You may laugh at my enthusiasm whenRead More …

We made it to the Bahamas

We will be uploading the tales of our crossing soon!

We live in a crazy bubble

Sometimes the higher power puts you where you’re supposed to be.   Sometimes you’re just plain lucky.   Sometimes you have to make things happen by sheer force.   And sometimes you need all three.   The next sequence of events is so bizarre that it is incredulous even toRead More …

So thankful for the best things about boatlife

There are many things that we love about the boating community: the camaraderie, eagerness to help others, and the friendliness.  But the best part is the open arms we encounter each time we pull into a new port.  We meet so many people that within a few hours become lifelongRead More …

We Found Hemingways!

Many people have told us that Beaufort South Carolina was a beautiful city hence the name Beau…..-tiful, and it truly is! We have stopped at the downtown Marina of Beaufort for a few days. We need to get our alternator for our Yanmar engine repaired and what a cool placeRead More …

Riding out a Tropical Storm – First time on our boat

LET US TELL YOU A STORY.  AND IT’S A GOOD ONE  (THE PAST THAT HAS LED US TO TODAY) Eddie and I had had the dream of becoming sailors for years.  The longing of the sea was strong for both of us possibly for different reasons but still a commonRead More …

Hurricane Florence Update

In the midst of this horrible event, we feel blessed and humbled that ourselves and our vessel are okay. So far. Some high winds and rain but no flooding. Our hearts go out to those in our neighboring cities. We will be back to help our friends and others thatRead More …

Hurricane Florence Did we run far enough?

Hurricane Florence.  We can’t run anymore so now it is time to prep the boat to prepare her for this monster hurricane and hoping we ran far enough.

Outrunning Hurricane Florence Part Three

We have been trying to outrunning this beast of a hurricane, but the higher powers have said, nope.  This is as far as you will go. As much as we tried to continue south in the ICW, we now cannot.  We missed the fact that the swing bridge which weRead More …

Outrunning Hurricane Florence Part Two

We have been traveling down the ICW which we entered at Winyah Bay and the ICW is very shallow in some parts. It was a treacherous first day and the second day is turning out to be just as difficult. Between red marker 36 and red 42 we were draggingRead More …

The Kindred Spirits Mailbox

…. is truly one of the most unexpectedly magical places I have ever been. The Kindred Spirits mailbox is a real mailbox, with a flag and old wooden post, that is positioned on an Atlantic beach, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.  This simple box, located on Bird Island, holdsRead More …

Washin’ Wednesday leads to Wet Teeshirts?!

Only because you can’t wash a big ole’ boat without getting wet yourself. We are prepping for our besties to come in this weekend. We are so excited to have visitors on the Music! Since I got a new inflatable stand up paddle board I decided to use him toRead More …

Take Me Up Tuesday

It’s time to take me up to 50 ft! I absolutely love going up this high. Our anchor light was burnt out so I had to go all the way up to the top. Sometimes boat maintenance is just plain fun 🙂 #thecrabbycaptainandthesunnysailor #boatlife #boatmaintainence

The Worst Feeling Is When Your Boat Is Taking On Water

The worst feeling in the world is your boat taking on water I used to think that the worst feeling in the world was running aground.  And every sailor has done so.  I have always heard that if a sailor says he never has, he’s lying. I remember once, whenRead More …

Wow Shark Tagging on the Beach Ep Six

When we spent some time in the beautiful town of Charleston, SC, we were lucky enough to happen across an amazing event, SHARK TAGGING! After a great birthday dinner at The Obstinate Daughter, we made our way down to watch the sun set near the Fort Moultrie point on Sullivan’sRead More …

How to get mail while on a boat or traveling in RV

While traveling around on a boat one needs to get mail sometimes. Actually this chick needs to get mail a lot. (Captain Ed says I need to have an Amazon intervention.) True story: I actually spoke to a rep for Amazon and jokingly said, “Your stock is going to goRead More …

Climb, Twist, and Fall Gracefully

My favorite exercise while on a boat is definitely Aerial Silks.  The sturdy yet soft fabric is limitless in what you can do while seeing the world from above.  And hopefully,  one looks graceful while doing it!  Click this link to see more and maybe you can join in theRead More …

Reviews -Smelly Head, Smelly Head

Nothing could be more foul than a constant air of toilet stench which only seems to get worse with heat!  Our beloved boat was manufactured in 2000 so that equals a WHOLE lot of toilet use.   So while I was out of town, Captain Ed (what a sweetheart!) undertookRead More …

Last Days In Louisiana

There are so many things that we love about Louisiana. But at the top of the list is the fine people that are there. We were blessed to have some amazing boiled crawfish right before we left to go to our new boat. And there is nothing that this SunnyRead More …

Ep Three-Ever sailed in Pea soup?

Ever sailed in any kind of liquid food?   Well it’s not fun.  Not at all.  But it had to be done as its time to take this beautiful wench to the boat yard to have a survey done on her (and we mean the boat, not the wife).  We decidedRead More …

Ep Two – Saving a life on your boat is good karma

Saving life of someone the first time you take out your boat is good karma, don’t ya think?! We certainly do and hope that we have “paid it forward” in the best of ways. The day of our sea trial  was a beautiful March day: the sun was out, the weatherRead More …

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